Paresh Mokashi's directorial debut, the movie portrays the story behind the making of India's first feature film. 'Raja Harishchandra' and the man who worked hard for this cause. As a tribute to Dadasaheb Phalke, the father of Indian cinema, it couldn't be better. Made on a shoe-string budget, the movie touches every aspect of a period film, with out-and-out comedy.
Phalke, the street magician/teacher walks into a movie screening tent one evening and it changes his life for ever. Awed at its brilliance Phalke sets out to make his own movie, learning film making by going to England. He uses up all of his resources for this sole purpose and how he succeeds in it makes the story of Harishchandrachi Factory.
Beautifully crafted in comedy, it's a light story which will make you roar with laughter at times. The performances of Nandu Madhav as Phalke and the rest of the cast has to be mentioned for their excellent acting. Such an innocent and positive film, it has succeeded in getting all the attention it deserved.
its a very good film any way thanks